Last weekend was the first race here in 2020 due to the virus. My slicks are done, I finally took a look on the stamp and they were molded 2007,
nothing lasts long enuf nowadays. So I had a bit of problems hooking. Car slams the bars very hard with transbrake and then unloads and spins with weak tyres.
When I lowered the Tbrake rpm down to 3000 that led to bad shakes. Footbraking I was able to make normal 8.74 sec 147 mph pass. 60 ft varied
between typical 1.23 to 1.78 and anything between, no consistency whatsoever. Great for bracket racing. It's time for new slicks and more ballast to the nose,
there's 20lbs now but I will add another 20 lbs, hoping to slow the raise. Could also try lowering the wheelie bars but last season that did only harm the launch.
We tried different pressures too but nothing helps these slicks anymore, thats quite obvious. As a topping on the cake I was out first round with -.006 red light.
I tried how it feels to drive on one wheel only but to my surprise the ET was not faster like that.

Still had plenty of fun and ten passes down the track shook off the dust. I got my new SFI 7.50 sticker too which is nice. There's no slicks
available in our country at the moment so I will use some tire softener I ordered from UK, and purchase new slicks over the winter. Shipping
takes time in an container, and air freight cost is as much as the tyres so thats not really an option either.