Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
Lost cam dowel - what to do?
Dunc the Funk:
Cam bolts are 5/16", new ones shipping right now. Off to the garage now to check my pushrods with the new lifters.
Dunc the Funk:
So I got a new Chevy cam dowel. It is an interference fit in the cam & about 0.25".
However what I did not notice before is that the cam hub dowel hole is bigger, a 6.5mm drill shank fits perfectly. Also the distributor/fuel pump drive spud dowel hole is even bigger, a 7mm drill fits that snugly. So the standard dowel would not achieve very much.
My plan is to drill & ream all the holes to 7mm if the hub is not too hard. If it is I will ream the cam only to 6.5mm. Then I will either buy dowel to fit or cut off a piece of drill shank to use.
Nothing ever seems straightforward in my life...
The drive hub hole is always larger for manufacturing tolerances , but it should not be a thru hole , just a pocket to keep the dowel from coming out. rotate drive hub and spot face another pocket, do not drill through. Make sure the cam dowel does not stick out too far. The dowel is just a gear locator so that installation is always the same, the bolts do all the work
Dunc the Funk:
That is a very good idea! Cheers.
green loc-tite is your friend just don't over do it.I have also wired the bolts before.
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