Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

FED & Transbrake

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Paul New:
How much HP, what size of tires, and 2 step?

I liked to leave  between 3K & 4K rpm with or without a 2-step. Even when using the 2-step, very little throttle opening is required. You don't want the throttle blades wide open with no pump speed. It will be lean and may hesitate. Stage it above idle (about 3500 rpm) and let go the trans brake button and mat the gas at the same time. We got 1.08 -1.10 60 ft. times and reaction times around .030 sec. if I was paying attention.


 Cpl opptions. One is as stated using two step at lower rpm and have it release when brake does if not running delay box. You can also go with SLE which I have and not sure about running or not. I Use to run my Nova as follows. I would stage Bring rpm up to about 4500 and on third bulb i would nail it as I released the button. Regardless what a lot of folks will tell you you can be consistent doing that way too.  That car was dead consistent even with nothing more than a transbrake and a driver staging ND changing gears,believe it or not thats what drivers do.LOL Now days they push brake and let go of button.


--- Quote from: Paul New on May 08, 2019, 01:00:52 PM ---How much HP, what size of tires, and 2 step?

--- End quote ---
Goodyear D2585/ 8-3/4 mopar 4:86/ Msd box. Not sure on HP. Currently running 5:60- rich and footbrake.

I have the two step set in the mid 4000 range.  First bulb, I roll into the throttle to full.  Works every time.  Tried leaving on the floor, but the car doesn't like it.  Faster 60 ft times getting the wheel speed up.


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