Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
Early hemi block cleaning prior to Moroso block filling
I am about to clean a 392 hemi block of all the internal water jacket rust prior to Moroso block filling.
My question is -
Has anyone used OXALIC ACID to clean a early hemi block of all the rust in the water jackets? If so please can you advise the ratio acid to water and approx time scale.
I intend to fully submurge the block in the liquid.
As I am on the Isle of Man, there is no professional service locally to carry out the task
I haven't used Oxalyic acid, but I have used electrolisis for smaller items. There are some youtube videos of guys using a tub with water/baking soda solution and a battery charger to de-rust blocks.
Is there a drag strip on the Isle of Man? Where do you have to go to race?
I've watched the IoM TT bike races - Holy Cow!! Those guys are wild.
Hello. I use a place in Leicester to dip blocks. They come out like new ready for building. give me a call if you want their number. Pete 07593 424777.
--- Quote from: gtpete on May 14, 2019, 02:09:15 AM ---Hello. I use a place in Leicester to dip blocks. They come out like new ready for building. give me a call if you want their number. Pete 07593 424777.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the info Pete. Just waiting on the block to arrive over here [Isle of Man] then work begins. That patch of water between us and Leicester is the problem though.
I have some Evaporust + lots of pokey things so hopefully with a bit of graft I will be able to get the thing cleaned ready to fill witn Moroso block filled then it's away to Andy Mapes for the machining before assemble and back on the track for Dragstalgia.
Eeverything crossed that all goes well.
No problem mate. I'll come over and say hello when your at the Pod. Cheers Pete.
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