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Advice on building a new fuel tank

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Very good and quick service, choose your sheet size, UPS delivery.
I highly recommend them for small amounts of material needed in a few days.
They are a division of Thyssen-Krupp, and they ship from several metal service centers they have in the USA.
McMaster-Carr is another good option.

Aircraft Spruce and Specialty Co ! Good prices on 4130 tubing and aluminum sheet !

As usual drerace car hit the nail on the head with similar thoughts I had. A couple of additional items I'll mention - Have a way to measure fuel level. This may mean putting a hole in the baffle(s) so you can insert a dipstick. Or, on a five gallon tank with a foam baffle, I cored out the foam below the filler neck and inserted a rolled tube with rings bead-rolled in at every one-gallon increment.
Another thought - Put a drain in the tank so if you get some bad fuel or you want to winterize you can do it.
Finally, make sure the vent will not allow fuel spillage in the event of an upset.
Good luck; post pics of the final product.

Race city steel is in Denver NC and most of time good prices.


--- Quote from: THE FRENCHTOWN FLYER on April 13, 2019, 07:30:16 AM ---As usual drerace car hit the nail on the head with similar thoughts I had. A couple of additional items I'll mention - Have a way to measure fuel level. This may mean putting a hole in the baffle(s) so you can insert a dipstick. Or, on a five gallon tank with a foam baffle, I cored out the foam below the filler neck and inserted a rolled tube with rings bead-rolled in at every one-gallon increment.
Another thought - Put a drain in the tank so if you get some bad fuel or you want to winterize you can do it.
Finally, make sure the vent will not allow fuel spillage in the event of an upset.
Good luck; post pics of the final product.

--- End quote ---

 Foam that holds up to Alc is expensive, the other foam is for gas only and breaks down with alc.  No vent system is perfect in a crash. Always fill the tank completely before the run to insure head pressure to the pump and to limit sloshing. Fuel drips after the burnout thru the vent, is common and the track will mop it without an issue, cracks or leaks they will shut you down


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