Technical > Roo Man's Room

Blower restraints

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I'm running a sbc with a little weiand 144 supercharger and just switched to alcahol. Where can I find blower restrains for these little blower?

What is the size of the opening?

Single 4150

Are you running gas or alcohol? you may be able to get around the rules: per NHRA Heritage Rule Book for Nostalgia Eliminator classes.

Permitted on gasoline-, racing-gasoline-, and alcohol-burning cars. Rotors must bedriven from the front; both external drive and internal gearing. Superchargerrestraintsystem meeting SFI Spec 14.1 mandatory on supercharger when alcohol is used asfuel or Roots-type 6.71 with nitromethane. Manifold burst panel mandatory.Supercharger restraint straps must be covered with a fire-resistant material. Theblower restraint straps and fuel lines must be installed such that when the restraintstraps are fully extended no load is placed on any of the fuel lines.Supercharger belt guard that protects all fuel, oil, and water lines required. Nocomposite materials in injector hat and/or scoop allowed. Composite materialsinclude but are not limited to carbon fiber, Kevlar, and weave-graphite fiber. Hat/scoopmust be nostalgic in appearance. Internal modifications permitted. Scoops limited to12.5 inches above throttle body. Air intake limited to 65 square inches. See GeneralRegulations 1:10.

I can machine up a top plate and then just buy the universal straps from DJ and you are done/covered. Sometimes Tech has their own Ideas, no matter what the book says


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