Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

water or not

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Hey guys, hopefully you can help me settle a dispute on the topic of water or no water in a injected methanol FED with a cast iron Pontiac factory block. I was told that if it is a factory cast iron block that you MUST run water. True? The block has
"hard blok" in it and the heads are Edelbrock aluminum. If it has to have water, does it have to have a radiator? Or can it simply circulate through the engine without one? I just don't see many FEDs running water and radiators unless they are running race gas.

I don't know on the Pontiac but, I run water in the block on my FED (chevy) methanol engine. It will work without it though. I just do it to try and keep all the cylinders in a even temp. I don't use a radiator or pumps of any kind.

Only time you really need to run water through the heads (only) is when you have 2 exhaust valves next to each other like a SBC. If the exhaust valves are separated by an intake valve then no because the fuel charge cools the head as it enters the cyl. In such cases where you have to run water, you can get solid copper head gaskets without water transfer holes and circulate with a camshaft driven WP and a 2 qrt tank

Ran water in the heads block filled, no rad or pump

You do have a tow vehicle to tow you to the lanes and back up the return road, yes?


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