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Steering ratio.

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Mustang box is big and heavy  should use one from a smaller car or golf cart have use both cars I've used VW and a Morris8

If you want to go to the trouble of extending the sector shaft the box out of a Standard 8/10/ Cadet is an excellent option to the purpose built race boxes. The Austin A30/35 box will also work but the integral steering column is a bit of a hassle compared with the splined output on the Standard box.


Mustang box is in. Yes its heavy but its what I've got and fitted. Just wanted to get an idea of what sort of ratio/speed you guys use.

If I may contribute my two cents, I will say that on my car, 150" FED, 1/4 turn of the butterfly gets you about 10 degrees of front wheel movement. I would say that is quite quick enough and far enough for any steering inputs you may need to make going downtrack. That's one grip up and one grip down, probably if you need to steer much more than that, you should have been off the gas before you got to that point, or should have corrected earlier. Definitely you should have to pass the grips hand to hand at the turnoff, but definitely NOT going down the track. In any out-of-control situations, well, do what you gotta, do what you can.
 But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong...

like rooman said 5"pitman and steering arm are good  I've run 6"-6" for more tire clearance 21" front wheels you don"t want a too fast of steering ratio because a slight input will make the car dart


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