Drag Racing Discussions > Drag Racing
March Meet
WIsh all you butt holes luck. Got to get this marked off bucket list. LOL
JrFuel Hayden:
We have 7 JF teams at the 2019 March Meet
Q1 had #1 Don Enriquez JF C with a 7.23 on a JF C 7.14 handi cap, #2 was Tim Beeman at 7.10 on JFA handi-cap of 6.87, #3 was Brad Woodard of 7.11 on his JFA handi-cap of 6.87, #4 was Matt Baldonado JF B driving our hemi with a too loose converter and shut off with a 8.58, 3 teams did not qualify on Q1 because broke trottle linage, killed the motor on back up from burn-out and bad tire gauge tried to hit the tree. Q2 was very cold track of 50* so Enriquez and our team decided not to run, but Alan Hull JFB just very easy down the track to qualify at 92 mph, as was Wayne Willemsen also just to get on the ladder.
E-1 had Enriquez over Willemsen Baldonado hole shot win of 7.29 over Woodards 7.10, and Hull over a broke Beeman with a 7.13
We should race Sunday around 1:00 after Top Fuel and Funny car. Funny car guys had 3 bodies blow up and one rollover.
A couple of great runs in AF with Bates/Adams run a 5.88 with their injected Hemi on nitro and Wayne Ramay with 6.01 with his blown hemi on alky. AF also had 7 teams in Bakersfield.
I so sucks that there is no live coverage except a pay to view deal.Loved bangshift coverage.
The paid broadcast was well worth the money and more.
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