Technical > Roo Man's Room

steering box slop


 Finalizing steering  and replace all bolts with new.Found some slop in steering box that I had felt earlier but racked it up to loose fasteners. Its not a lot but enough that you can see it in movement at steering wheel with non in front end. Norm or a issue? I did adjust the screw in the cover a little but stopped when felt everything tighten up effort wise,still slop just harder to turn. SPE box by the way. Wondering if needs a rebuild or just normal and I am looking to hard.

 The bolt on the side cover does nothing to tighten up the box, its just a stop to keep the pin located in the scroll gear.  Mic the pin at diff points, might have a flat spot and you can press the pin out and rotate it. but also mic the scroll. biggest killer is staticly turning the steering (while not in motion) HUGE loads that move metal. always assist by turning the front tires.  Strange boxes are similar, but don't think they want to work on them.  I think M/W still has some service parts for the SPE boxes

Thanks will call M W tomorrow and see after I pull it apart today.


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