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2019 NHRA Hot Rod Heritage Racing Series Rules Supplement

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--- Quote from: xlr8 on February 25, 2019, 01:49:48 PM ---For those of you who are interested; the past amendments have been combined and integrated into one package. One change of note based upon a controversy at last year's CHRR is that nitro is no longer permitted in the NE or Gasser classes. 

What was the controversy with nitro? Just curious.

--- End quote ---

The previous rules stated that nitro was permitted in Nostalgia Eliminator and the Gasser Classes. (I have to find a copy in one of my flash drives). One new race team who was looking to run injected nitro in A/Fuel decided to step down to NE1 (I assume) to sort out their car at the Reunion. On Friday, they made one qualifying attempt with a heavy load of nitro. (Go to 8: 17:30 mark on the video below.)

Someone complained and tech went to them in the pits and through them out for the rest of the weekend. The team did not asked to review the rule book with the tech official right then and there and just accepted the ruling. It was only after the weekend back home did the racers review the rule book themselves and realize what it written and complained on Facebook. Eventually, they reached out to Division 7 Director Mike Rice, but never heard back.

The REAL story of what happened !
  First it's not a new team, but a new driver. We had planned on making runs at Fontana one week before to make license upgrade runs for advanced ET. Fontana was a rain out so we went to Bakersfield hoping to make upgrade in Afuel qualifying but no go. We already paid long in advance to enter & it was suggested that we enter NE1 and just run the car. NE1 is an all run class so we did not need to Qualify just needed to go down the track and we were in. We made one easy hit to get the new driver familiar with the car & planned to make a full easy pass in first round. I was informed before I left the starting line that Mike Rice wasn't happy. I knew that nitro was legal in the past. Ken Gentry was already talking to my driver when I got to the car. Ken was somewhat shaken, like someone had upset him. He asked, Van can you take the nitro out ? I asked why - he said that they- NHRA didn't want nitro in NE 1  I told Ken that I could not run the car on Alky alone. I could see that he was visibly upset, I said Ken calm down we will put the car away. I did not want to put Ken in a bad position & didn't want to start a NHRA war. NO one ever came to our pit or ever talked to us any further.

If the car and driver were up to it (spec and license) they should have switched you to 7.0 where injected nitro remains to be legal and is an all run class

Thanks for the clear explanation Van. That makes more sense.

Bruce, i believe an advanced ET license is good for quicker than 7.50. Van explained the driver didn't have one. Therefore, if he did, then they would have a ran A/F as they signed up for in the first place.

Just saw that NHRA today has amended  the rules for Nostalgia Eliminator and nitro is permitted.


No such luck for the Gassers.


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