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New A/F car on the fixture

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--- Quote from: dreracecar on February 21, 2019, 03:37:37 PM ---Because A/F is in the "5's" did not want to take a chance, so I am building it to "FUEL" specs. The major difference is the 1.5" shoulder hoop has to go down to the motor plate

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      This was becoming a big problem with Top Dragster cars running in the 5's and NHRA decided to change the minimum to 6.10 with a zero tolerance for any one who goes 5.99 or quicker ! I would assume that A fuel would have to meet TAD specs ?   

In Nos/Heritage  2.4 spec for 6sec or slower and 2.2 quicker than 6sec, this car is build to 2.2 spec although rules at this time allow 2.4 spec


--- Quote from: dreracecar on February 22, 2019, 07:40:08 AM ---First fitting (of many) for the driver. The other person in the pic (checkbook in hand) , is the owner

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I know that guy! Locksmith to the stars.  ;D

Paul New:
Great work! Really like your fixture!

A/f engine location?  This for blown or  injected nitro?

Looks great love the new jig.


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