Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Spring upgrades....

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I have no idea about the weight, it is in the plans to take it to the scales this spring to find out. Since it is only a 165" FED I estimate between 1600-1800. I am already running 30lbs of extra weights on the nose. I lack about 3/4" of space to fit the bottle between the side rail and the fuel pump on either side now so I am thinking to move the pump and fuel line all the way over to one side and attempt the get the bottle centered as much as I can. This will also give me a few inches of space between the bottle heater and the fuel components.

Agree with on the nose. From everyone I have talked with FED's normally have to add to front and anything you can put there will just help eliminate adding more weight. Only down side to NOS system in front would be you will have to purge the line more to get max hit from it.,Hey that looks cool anyway,so maybe not that bad.

After looking at the photo of your dragster, you might consider moving the fuel pump & filter to the right side of the car and putting the bottle on the left side. The bottle doesn’t have to be perfectly centered, you will already have the weight of pump, filter, & hoses on the right so a little to left of center shouldn’t effect anything. Will the mount & bottle fit under the body and still set at an angle?

As for which single pipe in a set of zoomies to install an EGT sensor, that will depend on intake manifold flow characteristics from cylinder to cylinder and every intake is a little different, among other things. I’d suggest just going with the manufactures recommendations. Using Bruce’s example, with your car making about 400hp now & running 9.5 - 9.6 ETs, just a 75hp hit of nitrous should put you into the 8.9s. I think NOS is a good idea, I’m wanting to try some later this year myself:)

Thanks fellas.....that was just the answer I was hoping to hear. I do have room in the front to keep the bottle at an angle and if I don't have to have it perfectly centered then I have room to keep the bottle heater away from the fuel system. I never gave any thought to having more weight in the front but it makes sense. I have a complete kit coming from Nitrous Express on Friday and will post some pics of the installation


--- Quote from: Paul New on December 31, 2018, 07:21:25 PM ---Sounds like fun!

--- End quote ---
     These cars are lightweight and you won't need the cubic inches to go real fast. Personally I'd stay away from the longer stroke. I know there are several ways to do it but when you add the blower you won't need the longer stroke. Big bore/short stroke/long rod is a good way to go and 1000+hp is very VERY easily reached. Also with the blower you wont need to turn a lot of rpm. I only have 370" 10-1 compression with a street blower, no stripping and driven at 1-1 and shifting at 6,400 its running in the mid 4.70's eighth mile which is 7.60 qtr mile. Either way, be safe and have fun.


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