Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Spring upgrades....

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Paul New:
Sounds like fun!


--- Quote from: SaltandPepper on December 31, 2018, 03:05:39 PM ---
--- Quote from: Paul New on December 31, 2018, 02:35:53 PM ---
--- Quote from: SaltandPepper on December 31, 2018, 07:27:08 AM ---Sounds sweet but just not in the cards for 2019. The big game plan is to dump 20-30k into an engine in 2020 but as to which engine will take me some time to decide. For right now I have to work with what I got and get some more seat time under my belt.

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20-30k in an engine how quick are you wanting to run? That amount and you will need a lot of other to be upgraded.

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Paul, if one day I can match the best time that you have posted I would be on top of the world but I also realize that won't be tomorrow, LOL. I don't think this FED of mine has had one upgrade done to it since it was built in the 90s so I am expecting to dump some coin into it. I would rather pay a little more for a better quality part than take a chance and have to pay for it twice. If I can get that quality part at a more reasonable price which leaves coin to allocate to other places then that is great. 20-30k is going to be the piggy bank for the year 2020. I am considering a 432 SB with a roots blower @ 850hp....average price is 20K. Got to give that some thought, I realize the stress I will put on the other components.

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  A 432 is pushing it,  Ive run a 375 (3.5 x 4.135) into the high 6.80's with moderate (nothing super trick) parts, simple thru the hat fuel system and a 3.5 amp magneto

OK, need some advice here......Just purchased a Pro Power cross bar NOS system from Nitrous Express with 2 10lb bottles. I am trying to figure out where I am going to mount the bottle for there are not a whole lot of options on this thing. I could mount it behind the seat but to change out bottles would be a major undertaking and really impractical. The only other option I have is to mount it in the nose but it would be in proximity of the fuel cell and the pump. I have purchased and plan to use a bottle heater. Placing it in the nose would be really practical for swapping out bottles but need no know if this would be acceptable.

Paul New:
Put any ballast you can in the nose of a FED odds are you do not need any extra weight in the back

JrFuel Hayden:
How much does your car weigh with you in it ?


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