Classifieds (Please No Dealers) > Wanted to buy

Shift Timer


WANT TO BUY.  Dedenbear ST1  to activate shifter by time rather than RPM.  Someone out there must have one they are not using and wants to get rid of.  Thanks

I have a tsc-2a Throttle stop controller ! It has a timer to turn on a throttle stop and another timer to turn it off ! I used it as a nitrous controller ! If you want to try it I will send it to you ! 

Thanks for the response Bill.  Actually I think I have one of these that I took off of a super comp. car I bought quite awhile ago.  I will have to dig it out.  So you are saying I should be able to hook this to my trans brake button and it will activate the shifter solonoid.based on the amount of time I program into it and not by rpms? 

Ken I am pretty sure you could use it . The only thing you would have to do is use the timer 1 to set the amount of time to set your amount of time for the shift and set timer 2 to shut it off after the shift . Most shift controllers are momentary . You can hook it up and test it ! Good luck !

Thanks, and Happy New Years.


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