Classifieds (Please No Dealers) > Wanted to buy
ford 9 inch rear end
Looking for a Ford 9" rear for a rear engine dragster project , or maybe someone that can shorten the one I have . I'm is Socal so loacl is best
I have a 9" floater out of a RED, Braced housing, complete, brakes, hats, MW steel center section, axles, gears and male coupler half. Not Local (Detroit) but it may be worth you getting it trucked.
Shoot me an email or text and i will get you some pics. 519-919-3929
thanks TDracer , I'm on a very limited budget
I have found the Jig to shorten the housing so really looking for just the 31 spline axles
I have a center with spool and a new disk brake steup and don't want to resell that stuff
I have a brand new set of strange 31 spline axles and new center section with 4.10 gears, Daytona pinion support and spool. Upgraded to 40 spline. Will try to get axle measurements today and post.
Sent you a PM
just down the Fwy in Gardena
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