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--- Quote from: masracingtd1167 on March 20, 2013, 08:44:29 AM ---George it may not be too rich . How hot are you getting it? and how much dose the temp increase durring a run?

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I have a themocouple in just one cylinder and it will only give me the high temp. So after 1/8 mile run I see 1000-1100F. I have seen hotter temps BUT it may have been caused by alky burning in the upswept zoomie.

George I have never had much luck using E.G.T's for tuning mine . Like you said fuel burning in the pipe can cause high readings even if it is too rich . We were getting milky oil and thought that we were too rich and went slower and still had milky oil! I wasn't paying much attention to engine temp we would warm the car in the pit's and tow it to the lanes . One day I looked at the temp guage at the end of a run and it was only 140 degree's ! We started driving the car to the lanes to build heat in the motor and it worked well for us . I try to stage at around 160 to170 degree's and at the end of the track it's around 180 and bingo no more milky oil . If you are going 1.06 at the sixty ft. that is really good and 5.08 at the 1/8 you can't be too far off on your tune up . Sound's like 7 second potential too me! If you have some time read some of the articles that Spud Miller has posted on this forum .Very interesting stuff ! Good luck with your racing this year . and post some pictures of your car !

I may try bringing  the car up to the staging lanes with the engine running. It's for sure the engine runs better with a good heat soak. I installed a heater in the oil pan and made thermocouples for both the transmission and engine oil. They are installed in the drain plug locations. Before we start the car , I try and get the oil warm and turn the engine over with the block mounted starter . I crank the engine wo/ ignition until the oil pressure comes up. I have helped with a car running a dry sump and I think that's the ticket for pre-warming the oil and getting it circulated without starting the engine.

Oh, do you run coolant in the engine? We do not.

Thanks for your input. George

Great discussions guys!

Thank's Ricardo This forum is a great place for us to share information with each other . Most of the other forum's like Bracket Talk and Yellow Bullet are not really geared for what we do . Racing a F.E.D. is much different than a R.E.D. After seeing what George is going on his 60ft's I am thinking about going back to those 12x31 Goodyear's if I can get a set.


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