Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Where's everybody at????????????????

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Randy ,

 You need to sneak in a hour or two working on car,they are amazing for relaxation.   Sorry to hear you have to put your mom in nursing home.  Its kid of hard to remember its best for them while trying to not feel like your (for lack of better wording here) abandoning them,which is not the case.Most the time its just the oppisite. Going by daily can be more work than ajob even if its only cpl times a week its tough.

 At least your getting minute or two to talk racing that should help some.


Blind Mule:
Thanks Chris good to be able to talk to people even if we have never met ;) I quit my job in October of 29 years to stay home with her but I can't give her the things she needs on a daily basis I am the only child and it has really had me tied down BUT I would do anything for my Mom xxxx she took care of me now's my turn ;D

Luckily my shop is about 60 ft. from my house that helps but I'm bout broke can't but anything racing related right now done bout looked the FED finished :-[  Maybe one day family first though!!!!


Randy  -  Gotta be complicated for your Mom too.  A 10yo, habits easy to adjust, when you’re 60, 70, 80+ your habits/routine much more difficult to change.  Focus on continuing making your Mom comfortable as possible.   I’m sure your Mom and you thought about this for awhile.  As long as you both together, and on decisions, should help provide you little bit of “peace.”   

I hope your dust doesn’t settle, means your Mom still with you…  my best, Alan

Blind Mule:
Yea I shoulda worded that different does sound kinda bad about the dust  :-[

We have talked a lot hopefully the transition won't be to bad for her she's a tough ole gal ;D Her biggest fear is that they are gonna take all that she owns but we have already taken care of that (LEGALLY)


Randy - quitting your job after 29 years, putting yourself on hold for your Mom...  seriously, she already knows "You got her" she'll do fine, so will you.  Drag racers not only competitive, we're smart bunch; whom do you think we got our smarts from : )   Peace, Alan     


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