Technical > Roo Man's Room

hole size versus width of material min/max ??


im adding weight bar straps to the chassis.  i think your supposed to use 1/2" bolts for securement.  i was planning on using some 1" x 1/8" strap.  this would leave 1/4" at edges.  what is legal or what would be recommend to safely do this.

thank you

not sure it applies here,but most things read 1.5 times diameter of bolt from center. I think thats exact wording. Meaning if using 7/16 you have to have 7/16 material remaining after hole. So I took it anyway.


--- Quote from: wideopen231 on October 20, 2018, 05:29:58 PM ---not sure it applies here,but most things read 1.5 times diameter of bolt from center. I think thats exact wording. Meaning if using 7/16 you have to have 7/16 material remaining after hole. So I took it anyway.

--- End quote ---

thank you,   i found some 3/16 x 2" strap in my stash ill use.

The bigger the strap- the less weight you need to bolt on


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