Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

dry sump systems

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So I would assume there are a few members here running dry sump systems. I would like to see pics of how everyone is doing it. I just pulled the trigger on a dry sump system for a few reasons. Mainly due to my heads having terrible oil return. At this point I have invested a lot of money and want to keep it happy for many years to come. I got a Peterson 5 stage set up, 3 from the pan and one from the top end is my plan. Thanks Greg

I run a Peterson external wet system. It works great.
A dry sump might be next. Peterson makes great stuff.

Paul New:
I run a Peterson 4-stage system two in the pan with a third in the pan that also T-s into the valley.
I also run a 3-gallon Peterson tank

ran a 4 stage dry sump in a inboard so the pump was driven from the flywheel side after a full season the bearings were like new 2 pick-ups in the pan one in the valley and the pressure in at the filter pad
Stef made the pans and tanks

sorry I flushed the pics I had of the dry sump as i didn't need them and no longer involved with that assoc.


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