Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Roll out time

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You are right Jon, on both counts - it is not easy to transition a car from .4 pro to a .5 pro or full - AND - pulling the front tires can be problematic, especially an an altered with a relatively short wheelbase.

This summer I battled the pulling the front wheels issue. I'd have a cluster of lights (w/ delay box) between .000 and .020 then - BAM! - I'd get a -.020 red light. I concluded I was pulling the tires out of the beams, and tried fixing it with tire pressure and shock adjustment changes - at both ends of the car with little success. I finally, reluctantly, made a ladder bar change - moving the IC further out. I'm getting closer to a solution but think there's still more chassis tuning needed to get to optimum.

RE: Going from a .4 tree to a .5 tree
Before I had a delay box (or at no-box races) when leaving off a .5 tree try double-counting the lights on the tree. That is to say, count down each light to yourself "two-one, two-one, two-one" and release the brake on the "...one". That will keep you green without any car changes.
I've even tried "three-two-one, three-two-one, three-two-one" or "three-two-one, three-two-one, three-two-one" to finesse the tree a little closer, breaking each bulb up into smaller and smaller increments. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best.  Good luck with your ride.


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