Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
valve seals hemi
were going to be using Edelbrock Victor Jr Gen 2 hemi heads. do you use the valve seals on both intake and exhaust or not at all? my guess would be not to use them for extra oiling on the stems/guides? also cause oil gets diluted from the meth? if you dont use them, does the motor smoke more, much, not noticeable?
whats standard procedure for the seals?
Type of seal is important
In days gone by many did not run seal on exhaust but these days almost everything has a seal
Meth is not any different from gas--I run seals on both in my car and clients engines--If guide clearance is correct ( or loose side) you are good--If guide is tight seal or no seal will not prevent issues IMO
I would say that it would be OK to leave seal off the exhaust but never the intake--if you do leave it off the exhaust oil will pass by stem after a run and eventually it will coat exh port, headers etc
I would say seals on both---we use a metal clad Viton--and many do take the tension spring off of the exhaust seal--that IMO is ok in a drag engine as extra insurance but NOT the intake
You can look at Competition Products catalog --they sell every kind available and have explanations and descriptions that explain each kind----On a Hemi, a call to Todd Marsh 336 283 0800 in NC would be an advantage--Todd is the Hemi guru
He sells more Hemi parts than almost anybody in the country and he KNOWS Hemi's
Tell him I sent you
Good Luck
Guess its because all of my stuff is our old Top Alcohol stuff. What are valve seals? My guides are not machined for seals and have never had them on Hemi heads,but then we ran a class where pulling heads every other run was norm. On little brothers BBC motors we never ran seals either,guess just habbit. IMO they are optional on race motor. I don't mind little oil leaking by to lube guides. Just now started wondering how well its going to work with vacuum pump since never ran one before.
With vacuum pump seals are a must IMO
Exh seals have always been optional on race engines
Dean, injected, right? Run seals on both. Esp with vacuum pump. I recommend calling GZ Motorsports, and talk with the owner, Bill Huntington, regarding vac pumps. He's been doing this a long time.
I don't run them on my blower motor for a couple reasons; 1) boost on the intake keeps the oil out 2) they can't come dislodged with boost if they aren't there, 3) oils the guides on my dry motor 4) the cool poof of oil on startup makes me feel like i have a real racecar...
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