Technical > Roo Man's Room

diagonal lower rails

(1/4) > >>

Need to know what most have in lower frame for diagonals. Ive seen some that have nothing and wondering how mcuh they effect how chassis works.If I do install them Im thinking 3/4" should be more than strong enough,  Maybe Roo Man can chime in.

I thinki I found out part of answer while veiwing some photos of Scott Parks car from year before last when he won SWJFA championship.  Still would loike input from others.

Chris I borrowed a picture from Chuck I hope he dosn't mind . Is this what you mean . Mine has one similar to this about a foot in front of the motor and that's it My chassis is very very flexible

That looks good, would be even better if it continued forward and finished the X.


--- Quote from: slingshot383 on March 19, 2013, 04:43:44 PM ---That looks good, would be even better if it continued forward and finished the X.

--- End quote ---

I’d personally think in avoiding the ‘X’ bracing on the sides, as it'd add undesirable rigidity on the vertical plane of the chassis. My nostalgia 173" FED has no bracing (diagonal or ‘X’) from the front motor-plate forward, just ‘empty rectangles’.


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