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SBC #4000 Comp Cams revkit question


Its my first experience with a rev kit, it came with no instructions what so ever, its a no brainer of how it should go together with the contents of the box. I did watch a youtube install of the kit on a few lifters and that guy was really working to get the springs in with a small compressor. I used only my fingers, some were tight obviously on the high side of the cam. But its the low side of the cam I am in question about. They will not fall out by any means, but they can easily be removed buy pushing the lifter down. Is this normal?


Looks like a case of the wrong parts >:(
I know your thinking the same thing.
Try a rev-kit from a different company.
They look like Crane lifters ?

there is a piece miss?  on both sides!

I got with Comp Cams. Their lifters are almost 1/2 inch longer then my Lunatis. Soooo I just decided to run without them, ive never ran them before and can only hope for the best. I am not sure if Lunati makes a set for their lifters or not, but I am out of time and just need to keep assymbling this thing so I can hit the track in 3 weeks. Also my lifters are spring loaded themselves. They are made to do a cam change without removing the intake, carb, etc. Just remove the pushrods and the lifters spring back from the lobes.

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