Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
Minimum sleeve thickness
Ok have 2 TFX-92 solid blocks. Wondering how big I can go with bore? Guess question is how thin can sleeves in solid block be and still remain round.they are not going to leak reguardless.LOL
i've never had a solid block you should be able to go big, check and see what pistons are available or go see at they must have people that have run that motor
I have a post on inside top alcohol/Not many run these antiques any more. As for piston they are custom made so any size works and same cost.
i see that you got your answer in the other forum i've gone there for info in the past
Yep looks like 4.375or 4.400 is doable . If going to spend money for new pistons might as well go bigger and add another 1/4" of crank plus cpl points compression. Figure can always drop compression if need with gaskets. hAVE .030 TO .090 sitting here.
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