Technical > Roo Man's Room

Helmet bar padding


 I was getting ready to buy some of the cheap pipe insulation style padding for helmet area and got to figuring up cost and replacement in cpl years.Then took a look at Garving motor sports stuff which is real close to ISP.Well excpet cost is about 1/3. Can not tell whole lot of difference in mine and the ISP stuff a buddies TA/D has. Well there is about 650 bucks difference 1100 vs 450(seat and head rest).

Give them a look before buying cheapy and not near protection stuff.

i think ill get there seat insert kit.  seems like it would be easier to use.  pricing is great too.

Is not terrible to do but little bit of head ache. Takes a while,but you don't have to be on hand for all of it. Be sure to wear full suit when sitting in it to get as close as possible to what you want when finished.

This link may work a little better:
 Jeff Garvin is a former fuel car crew guy so he has "been there and done that" at the top level of drag racing.



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