Technical > Dan Dishon's Transmission Den
What are some common causes of a "part time" transbrake? TCI shorty glide in RED.
What are the symptoms? Too low of rpm @ apply and or low pump pressure can cause a bunch of problems. Sticking modulator valve, bad solenoid, electrical? Band adjustment?
If you are talking complete loss of transbrake it almost has to be valve and or solenoid related. If you have a release spring that fit in a pocket in the valve check it deformation. I have them fold over instead of going in the pocket keeping the valve from moving all the way in.
It is not a complete loss, He can't get it to work on the starting line, but if he stops on return road and tries it works. If we press the button in the garage we hear the solenoid click and we release we can hear it click again when the timer runs out. At what RPM should he be at when he engages it? First car we ever had with a transbrake so don't assume I know anything about it. Transbrake 101 for dummies.
Any Suggestions?
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