Technical > Dan Dishon's Transmission Den
Excess pressure in trans while in park and idling maybe
SO fired off FED today and only one real issue.It blows coupling out of trans(no driveshaft) while at idle and in park. I know the guy who built it screwed up something.Anyone with idea what I did or didn't do. Maybe I am wrong and there is more pressure pushing against coupler then I think. Would seem should be almost zero.
Vent plugged ?????
nope dumb butt builder didn't install a gasket btween shorty cover and housing.I would fire me.but nobody else work that cheap.
Glad you found the issue, you build them long you are bound make a mistake.
Go almost 30 years between PG builds and you will make a mistake. Last car I had a glide in personally was 1989.Not the same as Lenco.LOL
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