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wheelie bar length

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 Wondering what lenght wheelie bar most are running. While I might not need them Im building a set for car and may remove after getting it dialed in. Besides I like having them in case of. Im thinking of going with 6' single wheel setup.Running two bars up and one at bottom . Thinking of going 1.125  tubing( I have two pieces that will work and only buy one 6' piece) .Any thoughts on size or length are welcomed,

That is pretty much what I use and the length is the same on mine too. I have been putting a cross bar betwween the upper tubes about 1/3 to 1/2 way back from the chassis attachment point. I put a sleeve with stop rings on the upper bars and weld the cross tube to it. I usually use the McKinney adjuster on the lower bar but it is a bit "spendy".


Rooman, could you possibly post a pic or two of what you we just talking about on the crossbar? And including the McKinney adjuster? I am fabbing a 5' setup for my car, possibly could get some ideas from that. And also, what does the wheel attachment look like? Thanks for any help!

John Williams


--- Quote from: janjon on March 09, 2013, 05:28:57 AM ---Rooman, could you possibly post a pic or two of what you we just talking about on the crossbar? And including the McKinney adjuster? I am fabbing a 5' setup for my car, possibly could get some ideas from that. And also, what does the wheel attachment look like? Thanks for any help!

John Williams

--- End quote ---
He is at the March meet.

Go to McKinny's website, you can see the adjuster.  Go to Jerry Bickles or Neil and Parks website for everything else.


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