Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

MSD retard


 No its not a bad taste joke. Wondering if any here are running the msd timing retard module on your setup. I have good amount of MSD parts and while I want a grid its not in the non budget right now. The retard module is something I am looking at adding for the in case I needed it thing. Cost is in budget as I can get one for almost nothing.

There is a complete Grid set up for sale locally here for $600.00. Includes the Grid controller the the Ignition box and the coil.
If interested look up brandon iamele on face book.

Thanks but already have 2 MSD mag 12 setups. May get grid but hopefully only need it and not other stuff.

I don't see much of a reason to run a retard unless you are using a blower or nitrous !


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