Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

what cam?


1500# fed with 406sbc,220cc rhs heads,with crower stack injection on alcohol.Should be 12.5-1 compression with 64cc heads.With zoomie headers,1.76pg,4.56 gears,what cam spec should I look for?

Listen to Matt but we have found about any will work--it is not critical like a door car or gas application--we have run about the same with everything from 250/255 at 050 all the way to 270/275 at 050  and 106 is great in the 1/8th but 108 better for quarter and does not loose any in the 1/8th so 108 LSA is best all around IMO so far
you have the CI so lay the duration to it  just can't go wrong --whatever you find cheap and used will work  all the way up to 280 at 050 range as long as you have PTV room do it

Agree .You have the gear,light weight and compression. I would look at 275 to 285 at .050 range.IMO anything less and you are leaving power on the table.


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