Technical > Roo Man's Room

Tube removal


I have a Jr. Fuel car that had a mini battery just for the electronics. I'm needing to use a larger battery for self starting.There is a tube crossing the battery box. The tube was a add on by someone. You can see where the paint was removed to weld it in. Do you think the tube is needed? Can I remove it so a larger battery will fit?

Not sure why it was added--maybe some lateral stiffening of the chassis  but I can't see that it would cause major problems if you removed it.


Agree on tube removal. Check Braile battry out small and stout cranking amp.Oh yea half the weight on nomal car sized battery.

Thanks, Those Braille batteries might fit without cutting the tube out. I'll have to do some measuring.

I run the small Braille in my car . part no B2317 weighs 17lbs


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