From reading your update, guessing you still have concern on the camshaft journal's hardness. As I wrote earlier, the camshaft lobes must meet the 48Rc-58Rc Hardness (Rockwell specs). For the cam journals using roller cam bearings, not aware what numbers the industry standard requires. You would need to contact one of the larger camshaft companies for answer.
If you have interest, there’s a simple way for you to check the camshaft journals Rockwell hardness yourself within a 5 unit range. Available are Professional Pick File Sets to check for Rockwell Hardness between 40Rc and 65Rc. Starting with the 65 pick file, you would pick and try to scratch the cam journal surface. If scratch mark appears, the pick file is harder and the material is softer than 65Rc. Move to the next 60 pick file and repeat, if no scratch mark, the pick file is softer and the Hardness is between 60Rc and 65Rc. You now have an estimate of the Rockwell “c” Hardness within 5 units.
If there is a local machine shop close to you, they probably have a set of these Rockwell Hardness Professional Pick Files; plus if they’re racing friends, just share your camshaft story and check away. A set of these files typically cost $150-$250 based on quality.