Author Topic: Hedman Hustler racing headers that fit Ram Air IV and Edelbrock heads. 1967 thru  (Read 3056 times)

Offline GlennLever

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I purchased some headers off Fee-Bay to use on the dyno.

Dyno is now done and it is time to try and pass them on.

These are Hedman Hustler racing headers that fit Ram Air IV and Edelbrock heads. 1967 thru 1969 Firebird.
Engine Size: 6.6L/400, 6.9L/421, 7.0L/428, 7.5L/455

They were poorly represented on Fee-Bay as to their condition so I need to clean them up.

Prior to this video I had sand blasted them and painted them to make them more presentable, something I would allow to be bolted onto the engine. 

This is the second pass at them to fix problems before I list them on Fee-Bay, here is the link to that project.

This is the link to the Fee-Bay listing
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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