Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Newbie in need....

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Well not only am I feeling pretty good about this forum but also about my age.....guess I can consider that a bonus, lol. I will try to search the archives for answers so that I do not ask the same questions that have been hashed a hundred times but if my questions seem trivial or first grade basic please remember I acquired this FED with no info. I will try to post pics where I can, thanks in advance.

Some times the search function on a forum does not work as well as you would like. If you do a google search and include  "frontenginedragster" that search might would better than the forum search. Just a little trick that might help.

Okay, First off Welcome! I love the Salt and Pepper name. As for driving a front engine car there is nothing like it. What a blast! It is almost better than... Well it is is pretty good. I would set the wheelie bar down fairly low where the front can only come up 6 to 12 inches total. You can jack front of car up to set wheelie bar.
Tire pressure is pretty critical for going straight, when you are under full power most if not all weight is on rear wheels.

As for driving it first time be on your toes in case it does anything stupid. Get a good burnout first time to get tires fresh. With a car like this you really can not tell how it is going to do if you just drive it off. You have to hit it hard and get the weight transferred to know how it is going to work.
If you get a fuel leak shut it off, if it spins get out of it, if it goes left or right get out of it.
I highly recommend you have a diaper on the car BEFORE you ever run it. At some point in your racing career you will lose a motor. with a diaper it is not much of a problem. With out you may total the car and could get seriously injured. I do not think any car with slicks should go down the track with out a diaper or a pan. I have seen many bad crashes that could have been avoided if they had one.

I am currently driving a 125" altered but my 225 inch Front Engine Dragster will be complete in a few months and then I move over to it.

Also just read all you can on old posts in this forum, you can learn so much here about how to make it hook and go straight.
Good Luck with it and let us know how you do.

DRE  Dennis Ridgeway diaper is the best--fits like a glove--easy as pie on and off --ballistic cloth--about $300

Larry Gocha:
Like Glenn I'm 67 and I hope to have this one out in a few months. I quit racing in 99 and I couldn't wait any longer to get back into it. I've helped other people all that time so you being 52 gives you lots of time to enjoy it.


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