Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

LOVE me some nitro!

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worse drug ever! When you pull the wire and it sounds like Godzilla just woke up chills baby chills.
At 87% the world changes flames power and all that comes with it,
Best racing I ever done.
I love my Fed and would entertain TF but with my old Century block and Dart heads I stay running 7.0 pro.


I just mixed last of my 5 gal can so I have some 23% at 60 degrees   just waiting on a warmish wk end coming up that a good track is open near by--we are into fall but have had beautiful weather so far so just matter of couple few weeks to catch that last  good wk ends before tracks get finished--I want to lay it to it one last time before putting her away for winter
I really want a blower but am thinking I can buy set of pistons--lower CR a little and up % for next year--so pistons, balance job, few gaskets and try higher % next season while planning a blower for after that if business stays good
will let ya'll know how it goes and .....if it will stand 30% with what I have that may just be good enough for a while


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