Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

bracket racing a FED ...

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225 digger There is no reason why you can't bracket race with a FED. I think there is anothe post about this on the forum When you think about it dose it really matter where the motor is . A lot of the dragster guy's argue that a 4 link is more consistant than a hard tail I just don't buy it . I felt just like you and was tired of the same old thing That's why I built mine and let me tell you it was the best thing I could have ever done . I have owned 6 dragster's in my racing career 3 FED'S and 3 RED'S and this is the best race car I have ever owned period! Just do it and have some fun !     

i guess its the same old argument , about a hard tail VS a 4 link , VS a swing arm vs a mono shock vs a slip joint  .....   everyone has the ideal chassis ,

i guess i was more interested in hearing what setups who is running , ill be honest , past almost 3 yrs i have been away from the racing stuff , other than making zoomies for the nostalige guys and boat racers i really have not thought about it , i guess i started to get the itch again back in october so now i want to build a whole new car but something i really want . 

all i ever did was bracket raced , 1st a door car with a 350 sbc on alky running 10'60's with a th400 , i ran super with it , and it was very consistent , i stopped racing to fund my business , and then got the dragster . and sold that to fund another business venture .

AGAIN YOU CAN NOT BRACKET RACE A FED. Go to Drr and you wuill see whare about everyone told me so. Being the determined person I am(no its not stuborn) Im building one iwht the main thing being to bracket race.

 My combo maybe little extreme.

 225" slipjoint 2.2c legal chassis
 526 ci hemi with alky injection and 400 shot for finishline driving .Maybe 1000 hp plus nitrous when used
 1.69 low gear powerglide
 3.90 rearend gear
 15x15  Hoosier tire
  Building to be as lite as i can afford to make it will be adding most electronic goodies  like dealy box dats system(later date) and mag controller for tuning to track.
  I will have few things that go against my lite wieght rule. Like full  parachute body and possibly canopy. But drawing attenoin and hoping to pull few sponsor bucks to help out with cost.Idea is 300 RED and maybe 2(maybe) FED's,got to get you talk time and attention,just want sponsors want attention to their name.

   I see no reason a car with more rear weight and a KISS  theory applied can not be just as consistent as a red, You may have to work to get it which is why I think most go RED route its easy and everyones doing it. Im just hoping I get mine out before everyone else gets smart and changes over.

You can ET race a FED, I have been doing it for two years now. I drive from the pits to the line, I run my race, I drive back to the pits and can turn it around in just over ten minutes.

This is the secert

Radiator and a pump

glenn , i like the radiator setup .  very nice and clean ..... .my RED i had with the 632 it was a gas deal , rad right behind me with fan , i could almost hot lap it , it needed 5 mins or so to cool alittle as i liked staging it around 160degs water temp , but it always worked well for being a gas setup with a big motor ......


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