Author Topic: MAG HELP  (Read 3004 times)

Offline dusterdave173

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  • Your Vehicle: CenPen 200 inch FED
« on: November 08, 2017, 10:06:41 AM »
have a Vertex came back from Spuds April 2016 ready to roll--put it in new engine April 2017--made two runs all went well--fast forward--been busy at work car been sitting--got ready to warm it up and load it--just would not fire up--weak fire--poop pop then maybe engine would run--would not refire easy--PIA so put old mag in started like struck by lightning--so get the mag on the bench--polished the points checked gap looked OK--but when you turn maybe it sparks at points maybe not--hooked it to drill--lights out spin it --would spark at low rpm--no spark at points higher rpm --then maybe --then nothing
Is it the points? They are gapped right  Does it need to go back? What am I missing?
My old mag was done by Len in Indy before he died--has never failed me  This mag came back all systems go with 1.50 primary current, 21 milliamps spark current, 64 millijoules spark energy 33 watts and made 3.3 amps when measured like an MSD
Did it just take a dump on me?
Not blaming Spud at all here!!     It is an old mag so     just need an education
I have always had a fascination with fast cars at the expense of more normal character development

Offline dusterdave173

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  • Your Best Time: 5.38in 1/8th
  • Your Engine: 355 CI SBC
  • Your Track: Mooresville, NC
  • Your Vehicle: CenPen 200 inch FED
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2017, 10:24:51 AM »
on the phone with spud so yahoo  he is da man  all good
I have always had a fascination with fast cars at the expense of more normal character development