Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Fire system

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Under the "grey" covering is a flexable steel casing.  Funnycars require that the brake lines to the front be protected where it passes the clutch/motor combination so it is routed thru the lower frame rail and since there is a hole already there, so goes in the FB activation cable for convenience.  Dragsters don't normally run cables/wires thru the lower rail because that where most of them run the puke lines into  for the tank at the rear of the car, Funnys/Altereds its the top rail for the breathers. As a rule I don't like running stuff thru the dragster rails in front of the engine, even with a patch/doubler, it weakens the frame, funnys are stiff and cane get away with it. Also you have to remember to remove contents if any welding must be done in the area. On Funny I worked on had the FB lines inside the upper frame rail, which was kind of trick, until one of the line nuts came loose and it became major surgery to open the area up, put the nut back on and patch it-- luckly it was an older chassis, if it was new, I'm sure the owner would be ticked off at the builder.
 Threaded tube above the cable tunnels is for the FB lines. easier to plumb the lines then to snake tubing thru the tunnles

Thanks Bruce,is placement of a doubler specified or put it in the most convenient location for easy routing?
It is an altered so the bottom rail works well.

Personally, I like welding a short tube to the bisecting uprite nearest the entrance/exit and bore/drill a hole and come out of there, that way the lower tube is not comprimized

Not being smart butt. Doesn't that up right need to be fully welded before adding tubes at intersecting point?

H-E- double hockey sticks NO!!!  in aircraft lingo--- it forms a "cluster"


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