Drag Racing Discussions > Electronics


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--- Quote from: dreracecar on September 25, 2017, 10:48:22 AM ---Denver--- Yes and No   Thanx
 Glen had sent a PM about my additude, and if you dont see me on here its because what I sent back was my third strike, so here it is
  As in your post, you acused me of cussing, Went back to look at it and could not find my use of any foul language. I stand with my statement,  I dont believe that "everybody gets a trophy" mindset, You have drivers that work hard to develop a skill and then you have those that buy into driver enhancements which allows them compete on the same level without the hard work involved and by that the incentive to become better is gone since its being done for you automaticly the same everytime. 2 steps,cross over boxes, delay boxes, auto launch, throttle stops, GPS, wheel counters, timing control/grids has turned drag racing into expensive personal accelerators.
 I like Basketball, but dont have the skill to compete, should I request the powers to be to lower the net and increase the hoop dia to 36" so a no-talent player like myself can compete as others do that did work for their success?

--- End quote ---

Discussion is good, different opinions is good, respect for others is good, disrespect and insults is bad. You are still here.

We have used a 2-step on our blown 32-valved BBC Camaro (for burnouts only) because the throttle is very sensitive and we're tired of fixing broken engines. An new driver (old shoe) forgot to push the button and a rod exited the oil pan earlier this year.

But there are other ways to accomplish the same feat like a removable restrictor device on a cable end. We made our own. Otherwise, we prefer to develop the driver's skills.

I'll give you some inside information, the tack on our '57 does not work. Like Andy before him, we tell Eric to drive by feel and instinct.

I really like the MSD 2-Step in mine. The over-rev protection is good insurance and the starting line launch rpm makes sense for trying to run NHRA comp on a staggered sportsman tree. One note of caution, there is a tolerance on those rpm chip values so you should really check the advertised rpm against the actual from the RacePak.


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