Technical > Roo Man's Room

How much ballast needed on a 60's FED?

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Interesting thread. I have been trying to decide rather to add some to front for first cpl runs and pull until front raises 3 to 6" for first n 30 or 40'. Right now I have 345 lbs of front end according to scales I borrowed. car with me race ready is 1600 lbs.

Chris I have been finding with my car that a half lbs of air can make a big difference ! Even with the small 12 inch tire it can be too much and I have to lower the air pressure to get some wheel speed or the car will drive to the left or right ! Right now I have no ballast in the car but I also moved every thing I could to the front of the car .

Hoping I don't need any ballast. Right now battery is in front of axle and tank is right behind axle. I have to 5lb fire bottles behind that. I could move the driver but then it would be RED like every other car at track. I do have mounts and 20 lbs of plates plus a weight tube mount,be prepare.d and hope not to use. If have to add I will get second battery,no work no ride.

Tires are big question. New 3074's M/T's/ 15x14x32.  7.5 lbs starting point.No runs since new tires.Lifes been getting in the way,well family members lives which seem to be my problem. Hopefully get some runs before end of month and good enough for thanksgiving money bash at Farmington.  Will keep pressure deal in mind and work in small jumps.

We ran 14x32 slicks on a fed, prob not as much power as your deal but from my time at the track I would suggest to start at 6psi or lower unless prep stinks. At Bakersfield we could not run much over 5psi but the track prep was excellent every time. 10' wheel stands and broken wheelie bars are not very hard to do even with 40lbs on the nose along with everything else... I am no pro but we have broken a few things in the learning curve.  ;D


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