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How much ballast needed on a 60's FED?

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JrFuel Hayden:
Ken, it might be going straight because you are running a kinda big tire to be running 8.70 @ 150, so you are kinda dead hooking the tires , not trying to get the tires to spin some to keep the motor in the rpm range where it's making good power. But if you are running an 8.70 or 8.60 bracket or dial in, then keep on trucking.
Again I don't know of any fast cars that run open rear-ends.


 My FED had a short glide with a coupler direct to the rear but was 175" WB and had similar problem.
 I did get it to launch with about 60#s up front and set the wheelie bars to roll some weight to the right. Worked OK.
 I tried as much as 11/2# difference left to right in air pressure on Scott Wenys recommendation. It helped but not enough.
 I was bracket racing it and low ET wasn't my main priority so the thing that worked best was to put a pneumatic cylinder with a needle valve to slow the opening rate of the throttle a little. I lost 1 tenths in 60' and 2 at the finish line but it was deadly consistent. Still needing the weight and wheelie bar also.
 It would go 1.14 to 1.18 60s at 8.45 to .50 inconsistently with out the cylinder and 1.24 at 8.63 with.

To large of a slick is a common problem with a FED having a launch problem. They work better with a narrower slick, especially if the engine is back.


--- Quote from: slingshot383 on September 13, 2017, 05:48:33 AM ---To large of a slick is a common problem with a FED having a launch problem. They work better with a narrower slick, especially if the engine is back.

--- End quote ---

Agreed.  Tire speed is your friend.

I've had the same problem recently but it was down to a cold and poorly prepped track.  I run about 60lb on the nose of my 138in car with the shorty glide combo.  It still hits the bar but a lot softer now.  Running 31 x 10.5 tires @ 6.5psi.


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