Technical > Roo Man's Room

How much ballast needed on a 60's FED?

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I have an old 60s FED with 150" WB, motor 30.5" out and a total weight of about 1250 pounds without driver.
I'm having some trouble getting the car to launch straight and have now started to think of adding some weight to the front of the car.
I have added a weight of about 30 pounds to the front axle and I will try this next weekend.
But will I see any difference with this 30 pounds? Or do I need to add much more? What weight ration between front and rear axle should I aim for?

Every race car is different due to variations in tires (and tire pressure), driveline, horsepower etc. Available traction, launch rpm etc also come into play. If the car is not going straight with the front wheels off the ground I would first check the rollout on the rear tires. Then make sure the rear end is square in the car. When such parameters are correct most cars can carry the front wheels and still go straight. If the car still wants to turn at the launch with everything square and even you may need to add a little pressure to the slick on the side that it is turning towards. Adding weight to the front end to enable you to steer the car is really just crutching the problem rather than curing it.


If it's a new crew, make sure they back you up far enough to allow you to drive the car straight into the beams. Too shallow and crooked in the beams is not good, just be careful that they don't put you back in the warer

Does the rear end have a spool ore is it an open rear end?

JrFuel Hayden:
All the fast FED I know of run spools.


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