Technical > Roo Man's Room
Building New 225" FED Need a little help
My rear plate is attached to the lower rails. Simple tab with a nut and bolt
Ok Thanks for the reply. I am going to go ahead and attach it at the bottom. The chassis is moving along pretty good, trying to get it done before the heat of summer hits. Attaching the front axle today and finish the K. I am just one 22" piece of 1-1/4 short to finish the K member, not sure the best place to get it. Years ago I used the Chassis Shop, probably use them again for that one piece among other parts. My sticking point now is how long to make my 9" housing and figure out how long the axles should be. My wheels have 4 back spacing. Jon is going to help me pick out a tire today.
Paul New:
Next time I do one it is going to be one tab from top tube down to bottom tube 1/4” thick, bolt at top tube and bolt at bottom tube. Motor plate will rest against the tab
My suggestion. Call Neil and Parks. Talk with Frank and/or Scott. They not only sell every piece you will need.They will giv you ton of advice. Heck I spent almost hour talking with Frank first time I called them and got ton of info and had not spent a dime with them yet.
They sell housing kits and in all honesty not much more than cost of materials and all the engineering is done.
Hey Paul, Do you mean a tab from top to bottom? I am puttting an upright at the mid motor plate. I could put a tab top, middle and bottom. What do you think?
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