Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Front engine digger wheelie bars

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Here's mine. I set it about 2" up, but mine is spring loaded so I get a little more rise than rigid ones.


--- Quote from: JrFuel Hayden on September 06, 2017, 12:28:58 AM ---Heritage JrFuel is no allowed to run either a timed or RPM controlled shifter, driver controlled shifters only, also no delay or thottle controls.
I guess that's bracket racing, not heads-up racing.

--- End quote ---

The original never specified what class of racing he was in. 
Moot point anyhow.  Even if he wasn't allowed to use a shift timer in competition, he could us it in testing and work out to a point where the car launched well running it conventionally.....then remove/disconnect the timer.
No supposed to rely on the bar anyhow.

I'm not saying not to install one, just saying it's good way to gradually work your way up.

This method may not be for everyone, but I've had extremely good luck with this approach. 
When I first got my car (short 140", 420 hp), impossible to launch in first. Front would come straight up.
Put shift timer on .2, behaved perfectly.
Put 100# of weight on front.  Moved timer out .1 at a time.  Eventually got to a point where the front would come up 2-3" at the hit then immediately settle....and that's the worst it ever got no matter how long of a shift time was used.  Now I shift manually and run it out in 1st. No short shift. 

I plan on running 20% next time out.  Will set the timer back at .2 and work my way back out again. 

What I built.

"Just keep the same amount of stuff on the right
as there is on the left. Seeing straight ahead is highly overrated...."

Best signature line ever.

i like the bar.

We have learned a lot with the FED in respect to getting of the line and not trying to flip the car over in 2 seconds.Things not to do when you don,t have wheelie bars: 1)never launch a digger at full throttle on the trans brake when you have tons of compound on the track with hot temps and only a push bar to stop the car from flipping over.Make sure you have a driver that can pedal a digger properly from a 8 foot high wheelie.Set launch rpm correctly with correct chip,saves car and motor.As much as it,s great for the fans,they don,t come and give you some cash for the unreal wheelie after watching your wheels fly off,or help in the repair.PLease and in any thing I have missed,from some of the other digger drivers/owners,mrmopartech/scott


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