Technical > Roo Man's Room

Older fed

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And what was the reason given for it to fail???

where is the green paper too the fed?
we always save the paper work! :o 8)

Interesting subject ! I have been working part time for NHRA for the last year . I have seen a bunch of cars that had stickers on them that would not pass chassis cert ! The guy I have been working with is by the book on chassis certs and he should be in my opinion ! He has spent a lot of time showing me things on these cars and it has been a real eye opener !I feel bad for him when he has to fail a car that already has a sticker on it but he calmly gets out his book and show's and explains to the racer what needs to be done ! Most of the time they understand and thank him for being so thorough and a few don't take it so well !Just thought I would share this with you guys !


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