Technical > Roo Man's Room

Older fed

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Looking at an older fed, last time it was certified was 1994. What should I watch for and how much would need done to get 're certified? It's 4 hours away so I have only seen pictures and wondering if it's worth the drive to check out

If it has been certified in the past, it shouldn't take much if anything to re-cert. Probably just add helmet bars at worst

Helmet and kidney bars

Helmet bars replace straps and small dia tubing around the cage,  1" dia x .058 minimum
Kidney bars are 1.25x.058 tubing between the forward seat uprite and the rear chassis uprite(s). the test is a straight edge must not come into contact with the seat shell while touching two uprites.
  Bring or borrow all required driving gear to make sure you even fit and can get out of the car ---street clothes are not enough bulk and misleading

Thanks for the info

A sticker didn't mean anything to the car we bought 7 years ago. The NHRA certification sticker in the FED was 3 years old. I called NHRA and got nothing on record. If a certification isn't current it is not a stored record is what I was told. So we took  the chassis to a NHRA inspector who was in St. Louis at the time to find out the chassis wouldn't certify to anything. So from my experience if the chassis certification is not current it would be a good move to make a deal with the seller to get it done and then make the deal. George


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