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HRR 2017

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--- Quote from: Paul New on June 18, 2017, 04:36:10 PM ---
--- Quote from: GlennLever on June 18, 2017, 02:46:04 PM ---Engine is way to stiff to turn over with a ratchet on the crankshaft.

--- End quote ---

I have a 3' long 1/2" drive ratchet that I use to spin my engine over off the blower drive. Do you not do this to adjust your valves. I pull my valve covers between every pass to check lash and verify nothing is broke. We have done this procedure since we were a 9 second car.

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That is exactly what I have (well not exactly, I took a 1/2 drive ratchet and welded a piece of pipe to the handle. With this it takes a great deal of effort to pull the engine over at the blower,

hope you find it and i hope it is simple.  we were racing friday & saturday at 100 GPP of water.  Can't burn water......ran 7.75 first pass, turned the blower up 4% and put a degree in it, ran 7.55.  The air came to us for elims, i took 2% out of blower, left the degree (water was still 92gpp).  Ran 7.633

Headed to Famoso to try again this weekend, only supposed to be 103 there. yay.  Why didn't i take up fishing again?

Paul New:
Woodburn is only supposed to be 93 this weekend

JrFuel Hayden:
Glenn, if it was me I'd do a cylinder leak down before I tear it all apart. One time we had a problem with the torque converter pushing on the crank, because the adapter for the Hemi got in wrong, so we ended up wearing the main bearing thrust out.
The only time we have a problem turning the motor over is when we install the rockers with the firing order, just too unbalanced with just some of the valve springs installed. Once all the springs are active, no problem.
The one odd deal we had was after installing block filler in a new/old Hemi block, and then letting it set for a few weeks so we could have it all machined. We then sent it to Gene Adams [ mister Early Hemi] , he said  " they these bores are not round" I said " how can anyone bore  square holes" anyway Gene had it rehoned with his guy. when we raced it at the 2016 March Meet, it was 1 1/2 to 2 tenths slower with the very same combo/ tune up we had last. After the second race we had low cylinder leak down in a couple of holes. At home we pulled the heads and found 2 pistons were scuffed in the wrist pin areas, not on the skirts.
Ya even Gene said he'd never seen anything like that. We had a couple of spare pistons, so I took the block back to our machine shop to hone the alum out. But they told us we better have a look at the block, the bores were not round again. They told us they ran into something like that a couple of months ago, with a race engine customer that had also installed block filler, but before the engine was put together , he changed his mind and wanted to run bigger pistons. He asked if they could install bigger sleeves to run biger pistons [ alum block]. As it turned out after putting the block in an over to get the old sleeves out, they could not remove the sleeves after using block filler. The shop told him they could just bore it another .30 with the sleeves he had. When they measured the bore they also found they were not round. after putting the block in the oven 3 times, it stopped changing size. The thought of course was the block filler was still expanding, at least when it got hot, like when we raced the Hemi. Yes the Hemi turned over hard, with the scuffed pistons. What I did is have QMP  Race put the Hemi block in the oven until it also stopped changing, so I could order the right size pistons.
Well , "that's racing "


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