Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Alcohol fuel system maintenance between races

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I plan on starting my (first) Hilborn 4 port alcohol injected, blown BBC within a couple of weeks.
What is the proper procedure at the end of a race day to clean out the fuel system besides draining fuel tank and lines.
Is it OK to install a set of old plugs and let it run on gas for a few seconds ?
Since I will only be attending limited events, the digger could set for a few weeks before getting it out again.
As always, I appreciate all responses.   

While I don't have a blown BBC on alky, a fellow racer at my track runs an alcohol RED and he has a separate gasoline system on the car to make it easy to start, put heat in the engine, and drive it up to the staging lanes. You may want to consider something similar?

Here is what has worked well for me

Next day after home from the race I  warm up and drain oil and change filter--then I take lines loose--force air through return line then a shot of WD40 and blow some more--then same through vent line which clears main line--then WD40 down the tubes and in main feed line --open barrel valve and force air and WD40 through--open/close fuel cut off while adding WD40 or a little oil--with all lines blown out I reconnect them
Pull spark plugs--WD into each cylinder and turn engine a little--plugs back in.
Adjust valves as needed     
The WD40 is not ideal   when you service your stainless filter elements there will be small "dumplings" of WD40 I guess
It has never hurt anything and I have had Zero issues over about two years now doing it this way
The WD down the tubes and a spin after last run of day is important to keep cylinder walls from rusting
I think a Toplube helps keep the system in better shape than without but use less not MORE than they say

WD drys out the o-rings --good to keep spares in the tool box for the BV and fuel shutoff

Here is another routine that we have been using for many years...
Drain the tank and all supply / return lines. Mix up a batch of ~ 70% gasoline and
30% motor oil. Remove all spark plugs. Take the line from the shut-off valve to the
barrel valve loose at the shut-off valve. With air compressor on and a helper standing
by (was usually my wife) fill the line to the barrel valve with gas/oil. Also apply mix
to the pump thru open shut-off valve. Have the helper spin the engine and open the
throttle as you force the mix thru the whole system with compressed air.( Don't stand
in front of the spark plug holes.) This cleans and lubricates the the whole fuel system
and the top-end of the engine. Might put more mix in the pump and turn engine backwards just to make sure all alcohol is removed and pump is well lubed. Dry the
tank and other lines with compressed air cause you don't want to leave alcohol sitting in anything, especially anything aluminum. Replace spark plugs and lines.

Next time you warm-up the engine, all the mix will disappear and you will pass fuel
check if that is a class requirement. Running upper-lube in your alcohol may not.



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