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SCE ICS Titan copper head gaskets

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--- Quote from: ricardo1967 on March 15, 2017, 06:22:38 PM ---My N/A SBC uses Fel-Pro composite head gaskets now, no issues. If starting from scratch, I'd consider MLS (they require smoother surfaces though).

--- End quote ---

I made the mistake of ordering a pair of custom (read: pricey) MLS gaskets to replace my Felpro 1024, which I was having to replace twice a season. What I did not do was re-machine the block and head surfaces to a more mirror-like finish, as suggested. Lasted two runs. My block machinist said to transition over to MLS from composition required a smoother sealing surfaces. Just an FYI to maybe save somebody grief. [I have since resolved my sealing issues with the Felpro style and can get upwards of 200 passes from one without serious leakage.]

 have been  using Cometic multi layer head gaskets for a long time custom and standard sizes even on a blown  bbcs' no problems also copper shim gaskets with sealer and o-ringed lots of work so the won't leak but for the most part the worked

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